Quit Fucking Around and Start Already

Today I wanted to get some writing done. Here is what my To Do list looked like:

1) Think about writing something today

2) Watch a YouTube video of a famous author to get inspired

3) Check email. Maybe fire off a quick email to get the juices flowing

4) Realize it’s getting late. Maybe eat something first

5) Watch more YouTube to get inspired

6) Realize I have writer’s block and put off writing anything until I feel more inspired

7) Get overwhelmed by feelings of fear and inadequacy. Put off doing anything while I bog down in despair

8) Write a 1500 word message board post about how much I suck and how unfair life is

No, I didn’t put all that down on my list but I might as well have, because that is what usually happens. I do that. You do that. All of us do that. Here is a tip about how to stop doing that: Stop. Doing. That. Easier said than done, right? But read that again. I didn’t suggest you make yourself into the kind of person who doesn’t want to do that. I don’t say to become different right now. I say: Stop DOing that. Stop with the bullshit. You aren’t making it easier with all the complications and drama. Sit down and start writing, or coding, or making the phone call, or whatever thing that you want to do. Then keep going. The next day, do it again.

This method does not guarantee success. But doing it any other way pretty much does guarantee failure. If you want to do something, quit fucking around and start already.